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Reduce DWI
Recividism while Saving Money
Feeling Overwhelmed by your caseload?
WHILE saving money!
Contact Us Today for a Demo
We Respect Your Privacy.
A groundbreaking new tool for combating DWI recidivism
CheckBAC combines industry-accurate Bluetooth® technology, a simple, easy-to-use smartphone app and an easy-to-use management platform. CheckBAC gives you the power to test and monitor individuals – anywhere, anytime – and instantly see their results. And it costs up to 80% less than other systems.
Making Communities and
Workplaces Safer
Alcohol abuse is destructive to families, businesses and communities. The cost comes in many forms, including divorce, domestic abuse, traffic accidents and workplace injuries, as well as lost productivity, criminal penalties and lawsuits.
Half the Price of Other Systems!
The simple, effective, & affordable way to keep DWI
offenders from cheating the system.
Watch the video to see how CheckBAC
helped a court reduce DWI recidivism
while saving defendant’s money:
There’s never been a system that can monitor individuals in a real time, nearly fool-proof manner…until NOW.
Courts, businesses, healthcare organizations and government agencies must all play a role in improving treatment options that effectively combat the corrosive effects of alcohol use. Interlock devices and other conventional breathalyzer systems provide a degree of monitoring capabilities, but they’re expensive and limited in their capabilities.
The Low Cost Alcohol Monitoring Leader.
Alcohol Monitoring & GPS Tracking
Tampa Bay Monitoring primarily provides breathalyzer services throughout the Tampa Bay area: Pinellas, Pasco & Hillsborough counties. Monitoring can also be provided throughout and outside Florida on a case by case basis. Contact us for more information.
Copyright 2018 - Tampa Bay Monitoring