Testing promotes workplace safety and increased productivity.
Breath alcohol testing devices, also known as “Breathalyzers” measure how much alcohol is currently in a persons blood. It is important that workers employed in safety-sensitive positions conduct their job safely and effectively. This is the reason why employers often conduct breathalyzer alcohol testing.
Alcohol use and abuse on the job creates a huge risk to employers, employees, and the community.
Impaired employees are more likely to make mistakes, create hazardous situations, and engage in inappropriate behavior resulting in lost time, declining profit margins, serious injuries, and risk of workers compensation claims and lawsuits. According to the The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD):
- Workers with alcohol problems were 2.7 times more likely than workers without drinking problems to have injury-related absences.
- A hospital emergency department study showed that 35 percent of patients with an occupational injury were at-risk drinkers.
- Breathalyzer tests detected alcohol in 16% of emergency room patients injured at work.
- Analyses of workplace fatalities showed that at least 11% of the victims had been drinking.
- Large federal surveys show that 24% of workers report drinking during the workday least once in the past year.
- One-fifth of workers and managers across a wide range of industries and company sizes report that a co-worker’s on- or off-the-job drinking jeopardized their own productivity and safety.
Remote alcohol monitoring in the workplace helps to foster a safe & healthy work environment.
An affordable, discreet, and effective method for:
Why employers might use alcohol screening:
- An employment policy that tests when there is probable-cause or documented past use.
- On-the-spot post-accident testing anytime there is vehicle accident.
- Random or scheduled testing in those with high-risk positions to ensure safety compliance.
- The United States Department of Transportation and the United States Department of Defense perform mandatory alcohol testing for employees in certain fields.
An effective & affordable method of safety compliance.

Tampa Bay Monitoring’s mission is to provide affordable solutions for parents, defendants, companies, courts, & family law by offering innovative alcohol and GPS monitoring products & services. For over a decade, we have provided GPS and Alcohol Monitoring for thousands of clients for both state and county pretrial and probation departments. The company has given family court judges nationwide a way to guarantee the safety of children by making sure that a parent isn’t drinking during visitation or shared custody. They have also provided alcohol monitors to those who voluntarily want to prove that they are not drinking.
“Safety is our main goal. We know how alcohol abuse tears families apart and ruins lives. But on a national level, we also know that it adds to the rising cost of health care and has a huge negative effect on productivity and the economy – now more than ever,” says Frank Kopczynski, owner of Tampa Bay Monitoring.
“Alcohol monitoring can assist in determining who needs help, making the workplace a safer place. It could also help in-house employee assistance programs work more effectively to support the employee and their families. Monitoring can increase productivity and positively affect the bottom line while ensuring public safety. We are constantly looking for innovative ways to protect people while helping those who are monitored retain their privacy and dignity as often as possible. We added discreet alcohol monitors to our inventory so that clients can avoid the stigma of being monitored or alarming customers, and it has been a large factor in our growth. Moreover, given the pandemic those being monitored for alcohol can rest easy knowing that they are not getting a device that has been previously used.”
“We also strongly encourage companies to implement employee assistance programs that can help workers who are struggling with alcohol and drug addiction, rather than just firing them and writing them off. With proper training, supervisors and employees can recognize the signs of addiction and offer support.” Mr. Kopczynski concluded.
Contact Tampa Bay Monitoring for more information
Affordable Solutions for Companies, Courts, & Family Law.