You have found it not possible to save your marriage. Also, you have decided to divorce your alcoholic spouse. It’s important you are fully prepared physically, mentally, and emotionally. This article offers some powerful but sensible tips on divorcing an alcoholic.
- Studies show that alcohol is the #1 drug problem in the United States.
- Divorce is 3-4.
- Many believe people are either an alcoholic or not an alcoholic.
According to studies, this isn’t always the case. Someone may have a drink every day. However, that does not necessarily indicate they have a drinking issue. A high-functioning alcoholic (HFA) can “maintain” their life obligations while still using alcohol.
It’s more accurate to think of alcoholism as existing on a spectrum.
Get Educated About Alcoholism & Addiction Problems.
It’s always best to try and understand what you will be facing. Get the facts about your spouse’s disease. You may find the following information helpful.
- Alcoholism is a progressive disease, it’s worse over time if left untreated.
- It affects the brain, behavior, and body.
- People with alcoholism compulsively drink, even when they know it’s causing them harm.
- They lose control over how much they drink.
- When they stop drinking, they experience withdrawal symptoms. Such as nausea, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety.
Protect Yourself and Your children.
If you have any concerns make a well-defined plan to leave. Keep in mind, you want to leave your home safely. You must take the necessary preparations for a safe exit. Furthermore, you should have a good support system in place. This will help you during this difficult time. Next, plan for a safe place for you to stay. Such as a close friend or relative’s home. At the very least, be sure to have friends and family members available. You can reach out in case of an emergency.
Research shows a link between alcohol abuse, increased aggression, and marital violence. There are also several things you can do to protect yourself. Make sure you have a packed bag ready to go with important items. For example, identification, money, and clothes. Keep this bag hidden in a safe place, which could be a friend or relative’s house. If you have children, make sure they have a bag packed as well. If you have to leave quickly, you are already packed.
Another thing you can do is install a home security system. This will give an extra layer of safety in case things escalate. Your friend or relative you stay with should have a security system as well.
Find a Good Attorney.
Find a reputable local family law practitioner. Specifically, a lawyer that specializes in divorcing an alcoholic spouse. A good attorney should have access to the resources you may need. Additionally, this will help you navigate through the divorce process during this difficult time. Alcoholism can have a devastating effect on marriages. If you are struggling with an alcoholic spouse, you are not alone.
Collect Evidence.
It’s possible that in severe cases of alcohol abuse, you’ll need to collect evidence. Evidence of alcohol abuse may be necessary for divorce proceedings involving minor children. However, discuss your case with your attorney. It may be in your best interest to be proactive about your safety. You can do this by documenting your spouse’s sobriety.
Monitoring Alcohol Consumption:
One way to provide evidence of alcohol abuse is to use an alcohol monitoring system. This is a device that is worn or used by the alleged alcoholic. It will monitor their alcohol intake. It can be used in court proceedings to show the level of alcohol consumption. Also, it can be used to protect the safety of minor children. Alcohol monitoring systems like Soberlink, benefit both the accused and the accuser. Soberlink may serve as a replacement for supervised visits and the co-parent will know that the accused is sober during these visits.
Court-Mandated Alcohol Treatment Program:
The courts may also require the spouse to get an alcohol-monitoring device. Also, they might recommend enrolling them in a treatment program.
Courts usually order this if evidence of alcohol abuse with minors around. The goal is to provide court-mandated treatment. This will prevent future incidents of alcohol-related child endangerment. Courts also make decisions about custody. This is determined to be in the best interests of the child(ren). A judge will consider a spouse’s drinking problem.
Concerned about excessive drinking by your ex? How might endanger you and your kids? An Alcohol Monitor Can Help Put You at Ease.
Watch the video to learn how:
Find a Good Therapist.

Make an appointment with a counselor and have your children attend as well. Other support options include rehabilitation programs. They also can provide additional assistance.
You will be among people who have gone through the same difficulties. Also, these programs are a great way to learn more about addiction. Not only how it affects the addict but also their loved ones. This knowledge can help you better understand your role in their addiction. Also, how to best support your loved ones through their recovery.
Get Ready for a New Chapter.
Remember that with pain comes personal growth. Your experience could help others in similar circumstances who are struggling through the same thing. You should commit to the process. Love yourself enough to know that your well-being is worth it.
Remember that this is not your fault. The alcoholic’s behavior is due to their illness. It is up to them to get help and to work on their recovery. You can provide support during this time, but you cannot fix the alcoholic.
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