Are you Binge Drinking without even realizing it?
Since the beginning of the recent pandemic alcohol use has soared. 1 in 5 report heavy drinking. So, let’s look at what is referred to as binge drinking.
Since the beginning of the recent pandemic alcohol use has soared. 1 in 5 report heavy drinking. So, let’s look at what is referred to as binge drinking.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month began over 30 years ago as a way to unite individuals experiencing domestic violence with organizations fighting these issues and to bring awareness to the general public about the problem of domestic violence. But what is considered domestic violence?
I recently received an e-letter from a local sheriff’s department featuring its alternative sentencing unit. In it was a quote from a specialist who placed an alcohol monitor on a homeless man in his 60’s. The defendant had been drinking since age 13. The article went on to say that he miraculously quit drinking. He…
If you have a Relialert GPS Monitor, we can arrange to have it shipped to us via FedEx at no expense to you.
Doyen Consulting Group Offers A New Approach to Supporting Those in Crisis.
Alcohol Awareness Month was developed in order to increase awareness and understanding of the causes and treatment of one of our nation’s top public health problems: alcoholism.
Local GPS & Alcohol Monitoring Company looking for a work from home sales representative to interact with attorneys, courts, law enforcement, and probation departments.
Alcohol use is not all bad, but at the same time offers so little benefit.
Even with Covid-19 sheltering in place and wearing a mask, it’s just as important to avoid going to jail, getting injured, injuring someone else, or even worse. Since the holiday season has a higher accident rate than others on average, December has been designated National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month, a time to raise…
GPS monitoring is a viable and cost-effective alternative to incarceration which can help cut overcrowding and reduce recidivism.