Navigating Co-Parenting With an Alcoholic Partner
Alcohol impacts relationships, leading to destructive behavior and increasing the risk of domestic violence and divorce.
Alcohol impacts relationships, leading to destructive behavior and increasing the risk of domestic violence and divorce.
Tips on divorcing and alcoholic: What to do when your spouse will not stop drinking.
If you are on probation for an alcohol charge in Florida, you may be wondering what happens if you fail an alcohol test on probation.
Tampa Bay Monitoring has created a comprehensive list of products that can trigger a consumption event.
For many parents, raising their children is one of the most rewarding, yet challenging experiences of their lives. But what do you do when your child is chronic runaway?
Alcohol use is not all bad, but at the same time offers so little benefit.
There are many myths about drinking alcohol and one of those is that it reduces stress. Alcohol does not decrease stress. In fact, it increases it.
When ordering monitoring, there are issues that arise with each device that should be considered. What are the choices and why does it matter?
DUI charges are a criminal offense in Florida. This means if you are convicted of the crime of DUI, or if you plead guilty or no-contest, you will be sentenced as a criminal defendant.
Recent research confirms a long-held suspicion that student-athletes, already known to drink more than their non-athlete peers, tend to binge drink to greater degrees between seasons. “The college athletes in our sample engaged, on average, in relatively moderate drinking during the competitive season, but drinking rates went up considerably during the off-season,” says Matthew Martens,…